As a photographer, I anticipated her birth with much excitement for the newborn photos I so naively thought I would have the energy for. But as our little princess made her entry into this world, and the reality of sleepless nights, and marathon nursing sessions took over, photo shoots took a backseat on my priority list.
Now that Rose is 8 weeks old, and life has gone back to relatively normal, I realize how much I missed out on by not capturing her so tiny, and curled up, and sleepy. As fantastic a model as she is, there's no convincing her to curl up in a crocheted cocoon, or hanging stork pouch. Believe me, I've tried!
From the few photo sessions that I did manage to squeeze in over the past 2 months, I have absolutely fallen in love with photographing babies. Going forward, I hope to commit a large portion of my time to newborn and infant photography. And of course, those beautiful, blossoming bellies where they come from!
If you are in the Ottawa area, are expecting (or know someone that is), and are interested in having newborn and/or maternity photographs taken, please contact me at
In the meantime, please enjoy a few shots of my beautiful baby girl.

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